How to do Content Pruning | A step-by-step guide to improve your search rankings

Last Updated on July 24, 2024 by Admin

With the constant changes in digital marketing, one of the most important aspects is updating the content on your website. Over time, you may have popular pages, some less useful to your site’s goal. That is where content pruning comes into the picture.

But why is this process so significant? Well, search engine technologies such as Google seek to give users an answer to the query in the shortest time possible and within the latest date. Thus, when you trim your content frequently, you are enhancing the experience of your site’s users and providing a positive signal to the search engines regarding the quality of your website. I will take you through the steps to prune your content in this guide.

What Is Content Pruning?

Content pruning is evaluating or, sometimes, purging your website’s content based on its performance and relevance. Indeed, it is an essential practice in the current world where organizations’ virtual presence is paramount.

Content pruning implies making decisions about the future fate of web pages and blog posts, such as keeping, updating, or deleting them.

Content pruning is not about deleting content at all, although deletion is part of the process. It is about enhancing the general quality of your website by:

  • Updating outdated information
  • Stripping off thin or unimportant information
  • Grouping related topics into larger sources
  • Using the data collected to lead visitors from poor-performing pages to better ones

Why Is Content Pruning Helpful?

Content pruning is not only about tidying up; it is a task of great importance. A strong working approach may radically change your website and its ranking. Here’s why it’s so helpful:

  1. Improved User Experience: In this case, you are making it easier for your site’s visitors to get only the most relevant, current information. This results in a better user experience, improving the chances of the user completing the intended action.
  2. Better Search Engine Performance: Google and other search engines like to have websites on their list that contain good and relevant material. Pruning the low-quality pages helps the search engine index your best pages, which may help improve your rankings.
  3. Increased Website Authority: When you delete or edit low-quality content, you funnel all the site’s authority to the better ones. This can help increase your website’s perceived credibility or professionalism.
  4. Efficient Use of Crawl Budget: Search engines only spend a certain amount of time crawling your site. Suppose you eliminate one or several pages that are not relevant and that do not contain much text. In that case, valuable search engines will spend more time looking into your relevant and quality content.
  5. Reduced Cannibalization: This can be a problem when several pages of your site focus on the same keywords, and consequently, the search engines place them in opposition. Pruning is essential in helping to disband this internal competition so that your best pieces come to the forefront.

The 7-Step Content Pruning Process

As we’ve come to appreciate the need to prune content, let us proceed to the actual process. Here is the guide on how you can properly prune your Website and increase your search engine rankings:

Step #1: Define the Project Scope

The first thing you need to do before you proceed to prune is to determine your goal. Do you want to increase the total number of visits to your site? Boost conversions? Key pages? Defining objectives will determine how you will prune and how you will measure effectiveness.

Step #2: Identify Low-Performing Content

Subsequently, you must discover which pages do not contribute to the cause. You can use Google Analytics to locate pages that are visited least frequently, have a high bounce rate, or have a low conversion rate. Search for outdated and inaccurate content and content that is meager in value.

Step #3: Identify the Issues Affecting Your Pages

Once you have your list of poor-performing pages, you should try to find out why they are poor performers. Is the content outdated? Does it not align with the users’ expectations? Next, the user may have questions such as: Are there technical problems, such as slow loading or broken links? To determine how to respond to each page, it is crucial to comprehend the origin of the issue.

Step #4: Review Your Backlink Data

There is no better way to choose the right content for your website than by understanding its role from a building viewpoint. Using tools such as Ahrefs and Semrush, you can check the backlink profile of each page you plan to prune.

It is worth noting that some pages can receive a lot of backlinks even if they are not very popular with visitors. To keep that link equity intact, you should be very cautious when dealing with these pages.

Make a note of:

  • The amount of links other websites direct to each page
  • The quality of those backlinks (domain authority of linking sites)
  • If there are any particularly high-value links that you all want to keep

Step #5: Label Your Content

It is now time to categorize your content to rank in search engines according to what action you will take due to the content. Common categories include:

  • Update and improve
  • Consolidate with other content
  • Remove and redirect
  • Do not change (for pages that have many backlinks or any other significance)

Step #6: Determine Next Steps

Now, you can prune your tree based on your developed strategy. Here’s how to handle each category:

Update and improve:

  • Refresh outdated information.
  • Introduce new information that relates to the topic.
  • Enhance on-page SEO factors such as title tags and meta descriptions.
  • Improve the text organization and structure, and add images or videos to help illustrate the content better.


  • Find related or duplicated content.
  • Combine the two into one to make it a complete piece.
  • It is recommended that 301 redirects be created from the old pages to the new consolidated page.
  • Notify other departments to change the links that lead to it.

Remove and redirect:

  • Content that has become useless or is considered irrelevant.
  • Use 301 redirects to the most suitable existing page.
  • Delete the old page from your site.
  • The internal links leading to the removed page should also be changed.

Leave as is:

  • For pages that have significant backlinks or for any other purposes that require it
  • Think about the option of making slight changes or enhancements if necessary.
  • This means that one has to keep an eye on these pages in case they are still relevant to their original intended purpose.

Step #7: Release Changes in Stages

After making the above changes, closely monitor your site’s performance. Monitor the organic traffic, SEO position, and user interaction. If you observe positive results, you should proceed with your pruning method. If not, review the strategy and modify it to fit the situation.

Content Pruning Benefits

Content pruning comes with the following benefits: it can sharply enhance the performance and usability of your website. Now let’s discuss these advantages in more detail:

  1. Improves SEO rankings: Since content pruning is about cutting out the fat and going straight to the point, it can also help achieve higher search engine rankings. This is because when you delete or rewrite your low-quality stuff, the search engines consider your site authoritative and relevant. This can help your main pages and topics rank higher in the search engines than the competitor’s primary pages and topics.
  2. Optimizes your crawl budget: Search engines have limited time to crawl and index your site. By eliminating the less relevant pages, you help the search engines get more time to analyze your valuable, rich content. This can result in faster indexing of new content and generally improved visibility in the search engines.
  3. Improves link authority distribution: Link authority can be redistributed when you delete or combine some of your site’s pages. This focused authority can help increase the ranking capability of your key web pages, thus improving the overall effect of link profiles.
  4. Cleaner Site Structure: Content pruning is very effective for organizing a site since it simplifies its structure for users and search engines. A cleaner structure can enhance users’ views and allow search engines to envision the structure of your site and the significance of the different content types.
  5. Improved User Experience & Brand Reputation: If all the content on your site is updated, relevant, and valuable, then you are offering your visitors much more. This can result in more participation, longer stay on the webpage or site, and better conversion rates.

What Tools Do You Need to Prune Content?

To effectively prune your content, you’ll need a few key tools:

  • Analytics
  • Search Console
  • Semrush
  • Ahrefs
  • Screaming Frog
  • Excel
  • Google Sheets

How Often Should You Prune Web Content?

As far as the frequency of content pruning is concerned, it is entirely contingent on several factors, such as the size of your site and the frequency of your updates. Nevertheless, here is some general advice:

  • For smaller sites or those that publish infrequently, the content audit and pruning should be done at least once every 6-12 months during the website’s existence.
  • Look at the quarterly check-up and continual prunes for larger sites or those that publish frequently.
  • For e-commerce sites or news websites, for instance, pruning may be required more often and monthly.

When is Content Pruning Necessary?

Still, the general practice is to prune content regularly, and there are specific cases when it is most essential:

  • In case of a major redesign or migration of the website
  • If the organic traffic or search rankings begin to reduce or if the bounce rate increases.
  • If you have altered your business model or the demographic of consumers you serve significantly.
  • It is essential to solve the problem when there is a large amount of outdated or irrelevant material.
  • If you are struggling with the problems of having similar content or excessive use of specific keywords.


Content pruning is one of the most effective ways to enhance your website’s ranking and usability. It is recommended that you review your site’s content more often and fine-tune it to make it more relevant, authoritative, and useful for users and search engines. Regarding content pruning and content writing services, we at AlgoSaga fully appreciate the need for a healthy website and are more than willing to help. As with the garden, a well-pruned site is more likely to blossom and lure in visitors.